Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Benefits of Soursop Leaf

Benefits of Soursop Leaves for Ovarian Cysts | recently was seen being fussy or being warm at all, info about Benefits Soursop Leaves for ovarian cysts. Actually the one for you the reader of this article, Do you know what the amazing benefits of soursop leaf, good for ovarian cyst and also a variety of other diseases? maybe one of you there that still do not know.

One study conducted at Purdue University proves soursop leaves can kill cancer cells very well, especially cancer cells:
1. Prostate
2. Pancreas
3. and Lungs

Benefits of Soursop Leaf

Benefits of Soursop Leaf

Soursop fruit contains many vitamins, but the most dominant in soursop fruit is vitamin C, which is about 20 mg per 100 grams of fruit flesh. Vitamin C requirement per person per day (ie 60 mg), have been met only by consuming 300 grams of meat soursop fruit. The content of vitamin C is high enough on soursop fruit makes this a very good antioxidant to increase endurance and slow the aging process.
Meanwhile other content contained in soursop fruit is Mineral, namely phosphorus and calcium, respectively by 27 and 14 mg/100 g. Both minerals are essential for the formation of bone mass, so it is useful to form strong bones and prevent osteoporosis or bone kropos.

Soursop Leaves for Health Benefits :

1. Treating Cancer
According to research conducted by experts from Purdue University USA, stated that this soursop leaf contains very good for the treatment of various diseases, especially cancer. In that study membuhktikan that soursop leaves can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. As for some types of cancer that can be treated are claimed to breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer and 12 other types of cancer. How to take the 10 pieces of old soursop leaves, then boil with 3 cups of water. Leave until the remaining 1 cup of water, drink 2 times a day for 2 weeks

Thus Benefits Soursop leaves, may be useful.


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